walked again today. felt much
better. still weak - and I hate to
be weak - but that comes with
the territory.
my fake period is almost over.
but just when I think the bleeding
has stopped for a day, there it
is again. enough already, let's
get on to being healthy and normal,
shall we?
had a massage today - I believe in
the preventative benefits of
therapeutic massage. And I've
had a rough month so I deserve
it. And I'm worth it.
feeling a lot of pent up anger.
maybe I need a punching bag.
don't want to take it out
on G.
got a chance to focus on something
other than myself. yesterday, our
little chihuahua Pancho got very
sick. In pain, abdomen tight and
very tender, not his usual perky
self. Screamed out when G. felt
his belly. I know how you feel,
Pancho. I want to scream, too, even
though physically I am no longer
in pain.
took him to the vet - he ate something
bad for him like a granola bar or
something. his liver enzymes were
elevated. we went home with
antibiotics and stomach medicine.
today, he is halfway back to being
himself. yeah, I know how he feels.
now give me medicine and make this
all better.