Now I'm certain that either it is all in my head
or my female reproductive organs are giving
up the ghost - but not the ghost pain.
I don't want to be one of those hysterical
hypochondriac women who insists that they have
cancer in my uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes,
but this reoccuring ache and tiny sharp stabs of
pain are telling me something, and I can't speak
their language!
I keep thinking that my current doctor just
throws some antibiotics at it without even
looking inside, and he'll be really sorry if
it turns out to be something bad. Even worse
if it turns out to be something that could have
been fixed if he had identified it sooner.
These 2 weeks of antibiotic induced sickness
may have been keeping us from solving this
problem in my uterus. Why does my doctor
have uterus-avoidance?
Here is something I found out last time I saw him -
when he hesitated testing me for an infection
(he cited the cost, then he mentioned that
I'd have to get undressed again for him to
take a culture. And the problem is...?).
He never saw my ultrasound results.
For those of you who haven't read this far
back in Babyfruit, you missed the exciting
adventure of having a plastic ding dong stuck
up my ying yang to view my inner workings,
and how the (female) technician left it
sticking out of me and left the room to
check something. It was an intensely
disempowering moment.
Men in the house, just think if a doctor stuck
something up a body cavity that you loathe
to have explored and then left the room with
the object still ensconced. Now you feel my pain,
don't you?
Anyway, at the time, my doctor's nurse told
me to stay at the hospital and wait for my
doctor to show up to talk about the ultrasound
results with me.
As I sat in the waiting room, eavesdropping on the
grumblings of my uterus and ovaries, an attendant
told me I had a call. It was my doctor's nurse
telling me that Dr. B had reviewed my ultrasound
film and rushed back to the office so I had to
hurry back over there (the women's clinic nearby)
to speak with him.
So I hobbled across the parking lot (I was in
pain back them versus ghost ache) and met with
my doctor who said my uterus seemed empty.
Flash forward to about 2 weeks later when I saw Dr. B
again and had to wrestle him to culture me for
infection. He had mentioned how my ultrasound
showed that my uterus had been clear earlier.
"Did you actually SEE my ultrasound results?"
I asked, trying not to have an accusatory tone
in my voice.
"No," he said matter-of-factly.
I wanted to scream "but your nurse said you had!
She lied to me! You all lie to me! Doesn't anyone
around here care about my uterus besides me???!"
But instead, I just made a mental note and
murmured, "Interesting..."
I'm calling for the name and number of the
reproductive specialist in Colorado. I'm scheduling
an appointment. I can't avoid this the same way
I avoid filling out forms or balancing my checkbook.
This is my last ditch effort at regaining my female
health. This is war.