I'm on an obsessive mission to publish essays and articles
about miscarriage. Sending out queries like a banshee.
This is how I heal - write about it, help others.
The ayurvedic practitioner I recently saw told me that
eating spaghetti and tomato sauce was my form of
self-medication. Well, I'm at it again. Nothing sounds
better than spaghetti, sauce, parmesan and wine.
Bring it on. I'm tired of trying to eat meat already.
Too messy to cook.
I'm tired of trying so hard to be very perfect. I'm going
to drink wine and if I forget one of my 15 pills in a day,
so be it. Trying hard to do everything right hasn't worked.
So I'll be human for a while.
If you are interested in being interviewed for an upcoming
miscarriage article, make sure you fill out the form for
my book at http://www.firstthreemonths.com. I'm using
those entries to find women to interview for upcoming
Fingers crossed that some editors have the courage to
publish honest articles about miscarrying women.
Right now, it still feels like one of the greatest women's
health taboo of the decade.
Your thoughts?
Having recently experienced a miscarriage, I really appreciate your efforts to talk about it. It definitely seems like this is a big secret issue. Only after having one, did I learn from my mother that multiple miscarriages run in the family...something which would have been nice to know. Why isn't it talked about?
In a time when we have 4 hour erection pills why don't we have more medical information on this sort of thing?
I dunno. I'm still working through anger I guess. It's great to see someone blogging about it though. Sorry it had to happen to you again.
Posted by: plucky punk | January 03, 2005 at 05:34 PM
your book is definitely something that's needed. great title. my partner miscarried 2 years ago. our little boy was conceived not long after that and carried to term. not that that made the loss any easier to get through. Please include info/comments/stories about women in same-sex relationships, and gay men using surrogates. It would be wonderful to be included. For all the 'planning' we need to do in same-sex relationships...just to get 'knocked up' you certainly don't hear about the likelyhood of miscarriage. well, until you experience one.
Posted by: 2mommies | January 03, 2005 at 09:27 PM
I was going to submit my own story on my 3 miscarriages, but was unable to complete the form as I'm Canadian rather than American.
I do, however, look forward to reading it, and reading your journal here. Thank you for sharing - it makes me feel like I'm not crazy for feeling some of the same things.
Posted by: erica | January 06, 2005 at 06:31 PM