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Good luck!

B. Mare

God, this is awful. I am so sorry you are having to wait around like this- I hope you get good news, and soon. Thinking of you.


I followed Mare over here. I am so sorry to hear about your situation. I think you should treat each day as a pregnant day until proven otherwise. Take care of yourself.


I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. I agree, the not knowing is the worst. Take care.


I don't know you and I'm not a regular on the blogs. But I feel I have to write. I'm a repeat miscarrier, 3 in 3 years. I am now 15 weeks pregnant, unbelievably enough. My first ultrasound, supposedly at 6w1d, showed nothing but an empty black hole where the baby was supposed to be. One week later, there was a yolk sac and the tiniest little flicker of a heartbeat. The doctor had told me the same thing, maybe I miscalculated. I knew I had not.
Like you, I lost all pregnancy symptoms around 6-7 weeks. Sore boobs completely vanished! I couldn't even pummel them and make them hurt. And I had cramps ALL THE TIME. I was absolutely convinced I was going to miscarry any second. That feeling continued--despite good ultrasounds and test results--right up til 12 weeks. I still fight the fear even now. But I really just wanted to write to give you hope. I'll be thinking positive for you tomorrow.


kp - thank you so much for sharing your experience. I've been laying around and walking around the last few days thinking that there is no way I'm still pregnant...but what if I am? Life is so unpredictable, stranger things have happened. Thank you so much for postin.


I don't know what made me look at your blog today and I hope I haven't freaked you out too much or given you false hope. I just know exactly how you feel right now, I think. When I was where you are now, I carried pads around and ran to the bathroom everytime I felt a cramp. My breasts stopped hurting on a Friday morning and I actually took the day off and holed up for the weekend just knowing that I was gonna wipe and see blood at any time. I think this pregnancy started off wobbly and rebounded. And I hope with everything I've got that's all that's happening with you, too. I just wanted you to know it's possible. I wish someone had told me that in the horrifying time between my early ultrasounds. I wish you all the best.


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