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Hmmm...that is a really interesting but very odd dream. Glad to hear that you are helaing well physically. Again, I am so, so sorry you had to go through this again.


Maybe you healed yourself in your dream, wouldn't that be cool? I wanted to ask you about your dream diary because when I was interviewing therapists, one mentioned that she worked a lot with dreams. Do you just write them down and interpret them yourself or do you work on them with someone? And have you found it useful? I really like the idea. I think one's subconscious can work through a lot of things. I am just trying to find out how! I hope your feet healing dream brings you the healing / answers / space that you need. And I am so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I was on holiday and only read about it yesterday. So sorry. You have dealt with it so bravely.


I think it sounds like an excellent dream. There's also that thought that everyone you meet in a dream is actually a variation of yourself - so the man and the women who told miscarriage stories were all versions of you. I think your intepretation sounds right - taking yourself in the right direction to find your healing - telling your stories out loud, giving your body time and space...


Carylnn, I used to keep a notebook and pen by my bed and jot notes when I awoke in the middle of the night then immediately wrote my dreams down when I woke up. I used dream dictionaries and dream books to interpret but did not write down my interpretations. I never showed them to anyone but did sometimes discuss with friends.

The more you write, the more you remember. It is pretty amazing how it works that way. Interpretation can be so personal - having others do it is interesting but not the gospel


the more you write the easier it will be to remember, also you can use dream dictionaries to help you out on the dream interpretation

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