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To the Chinese Doctor I go...

acupuncture clinic new york

this news is new to me but i think with acupuncture different medical benefits are researched and they are actually proven good for us.

Flower Essences

WOW this is a total new subject for me in acupuncture. I never knew something such as acupuncture would go this far!

Thanks for sharing this.

Cleo Pascal

Infertility has been a pressing issue ever since. That's why it's not a surprise for me that more and more doctors are now opening their doors to alternative healing methods that are combined with conventional medicine. I think this is what they call a holistic approach. Honestly, if my wife were infertile and we badly wanted to have a baby, I would let her try other methods to reverse her case, as long as it doesn't entail negative effects to her health.

Erik Denmon

I must agree with Cleo. Couples, of course, are the ones who are mostly affected by this condition. It’s good to know that there are ways to fight or treat it. It’s always better to try more options rather than wait for something to happen. If couples want a better life, with kids, then they must do something about it. Without their action, the availability of such options will just go to waste.

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