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hi Aliza,
Sherman is my married name, but it is my legal name. My maiden name is Lipschitz and despite family identity issues, dropped it entirely when I got married.

Just curious, are you Jewish? I know Aliza is more popular in Jewish circles. The only other Alizas I know are orthodox Jews. I have met other variations of Aliza, which are Spanish, though.

As for Sherman - my husband claims that his grandpa Hyman Sherman was one of many brothers, so we Shermans could be distantly related.

I just think it is funny because you are way more famous than I am and now when people google me, they get you! When I was Aliza Lipschitz, google somehow proved my existence.

Oh, I wish you all the best!


Hi Aliza,

My dad's family (Jewish) name was Sekinsky but his dad changed it to Sherman when my dad was still in school. My mom's parents are from Mexico and she was Roman Catholic until she converted to Judaism when she married my dad. I'm a religious mutt.

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