things seems to have slowed down a bit. they were cooking for a while - 6-8 minutes apart (this is just an approximation as I haven't been writing them down and only glance occasionally at the clock) and more intense. I kept doing my hypnobirthing breathing thing to the point that G. and mom had no idea I was having contractions. In fact mom said to her sister on the phone "she isn't really having contractions - I think it will be a few more days." And G. went to Home Depot, bought fertilizer and a fan, assembled the fan, fertilized the yard - so this is how a man handles labor!
had some ice cream, then tried some quinoa but it had the wrong taste for me so spit it right out. then mom made me some cream of rice cereal. did my hypnobirthing cd, my neighbor came by and gave me a foot rub. she also said "be prepared for this to last for a few days." a few days?
got on the recliner and dozed off. was able to doze and then breathe through contractions and eventually noticed they were spacing apart farther than before. well, I've been told this is common with first pregnancies. I'm just taking advantage of the lull to keep resting. I was thinking we'd be going to the hospital this evening sometime. Now I'm just thinking that I don't know what to think but that's okay.
ah, another contraction...
that was the first time I counted duration - about a minute long. okay, no more counting, just chill, baby, chill. NG does some rearranging inside now and then - sometimes big movements, sometimes little ones. she doesn't seem too alarmed, seems to know what to do.
Wow....just passing by for an update only to learn that NG has started to do her thing! Hang in there, Aliza! And it sounds like your hypnobirthing breathing is working very well for you.....
Posted by: Frances | June 18, 2006 at 04:38 PM
Best of luck...
Posted by: S | June 18, 2006 at 05:25 PM
I'm glad the hypnobirth breathing is working for you - it worked wonders for me.
I was so excited to read so many posts today - things are really getting started! Much love as you journey through this!
Posted by: Kier | June 18, 2006 at 05:47 PM
GO GO GO! Heres hoping for a quick & not so painful labor. Keeps us up to date!
Posted by: Carrie | June 18, 2006 at 06:15 PM
Long-time reader delurking to say I hope things really start picking up for you and you will get to meet your daughter real soon! I'm sending positive vibes your way for a quick, easy and healthy labor for you and your baby. Congrats and way to go!
Posted by: Jessica | June 18, 2006 at 07:43 PM
You're doing great. I hope you are able to rest a bit -- in between contrax or whenever you can. I agree, NG knows what she's doing. Trust her, trust your body and keep doing what you're doing ... awesome, awesome work. =)
Posted by: Rebekah | June 18, 2006 at 08:47 PM
Very excited for you now. Good luck, and say hello to Noa from me!
Posted by: Vivien | June 19, 2006 at 12:43 AM
So exciting! Good luck!
Posted by: rockmamainwaiting | June 19, 2006 at 12:55 AM
This is all so exciting! I stumbled across your blog 6 months ago (when I found out I was pregnant and was searching something on google, lol) and read through all your archives! You sound as though you are handling this all really well... hope you have a quick labour - can't wait to see NG!
Posted by: Pamela | June 19, 2006 at 03:03 AM