Still laboring. Resting/sleeping in between contractions. Still erratic - 6 min. 10 min. longer. shorter. had to finally get up to eat something. worried I won't be able to eat later. eating cold mashed potatos. good stuff.
taking side lying position to turn baby - having back labor so trying to shift her as per midwife instructions. when she shifted into a better position, suddenly felt next contraction entirely in my front. very intense. worked at not panicking again. At one point, G. had to remind me to breathe more slowly - very helpful.
went to midwife around 6:45pm last evening for a quick check. had read so much about laboring women who get checked and find they are only 1 cm dilated so I was very prepared. sure enough - after over 13 hours of early labor, just 1 cm. that felt good to know progress was happening. NG HB 130s and 140s - strong.
she gave me Ambien just in case, to sleep if I cannot. I've been in and out of sleep up until this point so wondering if I should take. lasts about 6 hours. still feeling pretty relaxed in between everything. trying not to anticipate next one. just accepting them as waves.
lost rest of mucous plug. felt cervix creaky/stretch when walking from bathroom a little earlier. I like observing these things as if I were just a quiet observer looking in on the activities. keeps things in perspective for me.
just had another contraction. very focused on lower abdomen. very intense. just rocked rhythmically on chair and breathed into it. will go now to finish my mashed potatoes.
Take the ambien! Whoever it was who told you this could go on for days was right, and if things pick up in intensity, you will not be able to go back and make up your lost sleep. I'm very excited for you that things are happening!
Posted by: Ersza | June 19, 2006 at 03:55 AM
Following along on your journey...thank you so much for posting things as they happen. It takes me back to the days before my first child was born. It's such a wonderful (painful too...) time. Savor everything as you'll relive it a million times in your head once she's here.
Posted by: Beret | June 19, 2006 at 04:19 AM
Woke up and came here to see how you're doing. Your positive attitude is amazing to read. Try to hang onto the knowledge that all of this work you're doing IS making progress, even if it's not as fast you'd like. One rush at a time ... one rush at a time. Blessings!!
Posted by: Rebekah | June 19, 2006 at 05:04 AM
Try to just putter along and not be too disracted by all this - it could go on a while longer - this isn't real going for it labour.
But you are not far away now - try and rest
My last pregnancy number 3 - I got little movement and they gave me an internal exam and was about 1-2cm they gave me a membrane sweep and said baby would be born that night.
I went a whole week 'niggling' on and off on and off - but when it started in earnest - it went 'pow' - by the time my waters started leaking I only lasted a few hours and bingo - a baby boy arrived.
Won't be long now
Posted by: Heather | June 19, 2006 at 06:03 AM
I came across your blog some time ago, when I was recovering from a miscarriage (my first). Since then, I've been following along and am now a little over 8 weeks pregnant, again. Your journey is incredibly inspirational and I am extremely excited for you. You manage to stay incredibly grounded and I have no doubt that regardless of what the next couple days bring, you will tackle it spectacularly... Good Luck!
Posted by: Kiernen | June 19, 2006 at 07:10 AM
Just go with it. I must say, I really hated the bit where I dilated from 1 to 3cm, which happened overnight for me. I tried to sleep in between...the at 6am I asked for an epidural!
Posted by: Em | June 19, 2006 at 08:02 AM
SO happy for you as I went through IVF with my twins I remember the agony of the numerous shots but in the end it was well worth it! Good luck with labor and know its the only pain you will ever experience that has a reward at the end that makes it all worthwhile!
Posted by: Charlene | June 19, 2006 at 06:49 PM