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You are AWESOME Aliza! Big (((HUGS))) to you - I so hope your bath is a turning point and you can walk happily in to tomorrow with a baby on the breast.


Please let me say be careful with your citrus essential oil! I thougth I'd relax in a bath with orange last year, and I don't know what I did wrong, or if I did anything wrong, and this is just a side effect, but the oil settled on the top of the water, and each place it touched my skin, it burned it, like a severe sunburn. I thought I was going to have to go the ER!

I really don't know what happened, but I just had to share, as you are going to put baby NG in there!


This post sound so positive, and I'm hoping that this works for you and NG. The massage sounds wonderful--what a wonderful massage therapist. Sending you a big hug and hoping that this does the trick.


So sorry you have had so much difficulty with the bf. Kudos to you for continuing to try. We had really similar problems with baby boy. Email me anytime if you want to chat. Hope that bath help put you both on the track to better bf soon.


Sorry to hear your troubles but hang in there. I had to reintroduce nursing after four days of bottle feeding, and it wasn't pretty but utimately successful. I don't know if you know about this guy, Dr. Jack Newman, but he is in Toronto Canada and there isn't anything he doesn't know about breastfeeding. He does e-mail and telephone consultations and was a lifesaver to me. I also found fenugreek capsules the best thing ever to build supply and pumping after every breastfeeding session to stimulate production also very good. His website: Take care and good luck with your sweetie.


Side lying to feed is a godsend for me in the middle of the night, and it seems to make Spudly much more relaxed.

I love the sound of your day in bed.


The laying on your side skin to skin is SUCH a great way to connect with your baby. I am SO glad that your prenatal chiropractor new to suggest this.

The other suggestion sounds very much like a version of rebirthing therapy. Here is a link that describes it well:

If nothing else, it is a great way to connect with your baby and relax. It just might do the trick to help her relax and find those natural nursing instincts again.

Don't feel goofy talking to her. It is not hokey and she absolutely understands the tones in your voice. I think that talking to her in the bath is an excellent idea! Tell her the kind of things that you said to her right after her birth. Babies understand way more of what we are saying than we realize.

You are amazing, I KNOW you can do this!


I, like, Jodi have gotten skin irritation with citrus oil. Be sure to use just a little bit.

I am glad you got some comforting advice from someone who listened to you and acknowledged the psychological aspect of breastfeeding. I hope it goes really well with the skin to skin festival!

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