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breastfeeding is so hard the first few weeks. it really is. i hope you can hang in there, but remember, if it doesn't work out for you, that's OK!! as long as your beautiful daughter is healthy and happy, that's what's important! (not that my opinion should matter either way, but i've been there, i know what you're going through. good luck!)


Oh boy - seems like nothing goes easy for you...but it will get better. Hang in there little longer!


Delurking to say I had mastitis 4 times while breastfeeding and can sympathize. Some people are more prone to it. I was very sick with it. Nursing gets tons better but is hard the first two months. Then it really gets so sweet and relaxing and you can better appreciate its convenience.
My two cents - someone recommended using a disposable diaper (since they hold so much liquid at temperature) instead of a towel or compress to relieve the sore breast. I found that a small diaper soaked in hot (not boiling of course) water til it was full then applied to the breast very soothing, the heat lasts a good 10 minutes.
The antibiotics take a few days to really take effect. Make sure at the end of the treatment that you feel completely better. One time I got sick again right away, I hadn't quite cleared the infection. Once you know what mastitis feels like you can likely tell much faster another time what's going on - I ended up with an extra bottle of meds. so I could start up right away if it was the weekend, or I was out of town. But by then I was a mastitis pro.
I also did syringe feeding, pumping etc - eventually my son was able to suck more effectively. This time will come for you too.
My best wishes. And congratulations.


Hang in there! The first few weeks of breastfeeding can be pretty challenging. It does get easier! My personal feeling is that it's just hard for really little babies to latch on because their mouths are so small. Once your little one grows a little, I suspect it will get easier.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. It will get easier. My baby is 4 months old and we exclusively breastfeed. Whenever I see how much she has grown, I am so proud of myself because I know it was my body that nourished her.

Also, I swear breastmilk is like baby-drugs. When my little one is tired and cranky, I nurse her a little and she goes right to sleep with a drunk-happy look on her face. It's like magic. It also works wonders to relax the mom as well. I can feel the happy-hormones running through my body when I nurse my baby.

It's hard, and it looks like you're facing your fair share of challenges now, but it gets better! Good luck!!!


Do you mind a little advice? Make sure your nipples are completely dry and stay that way. Dry them well after feedings/pumping, and don't walk around with wet nursing pads on. That whole idea of let them dry with milk on them only makes them chapped.


I am seconding the completely dry mention above. I had a badly cracked nipple adn my midwife recommended exposing my breasts to air as much as possible; I wore a men's button-down shirt partially unbuttoned. Other friends have cut holes out of old t-shirts, and she advised me to sit outside shirtless inthe sunas much as possible. It helped a lot. Hang in there, it takes about 3 weeks to get past this awful part.


I'll third the dry comments. It's what helped me heal finally. The lasinoh was good, but kept me feeling raw since my nips were never dry.

What I did was, after each feeding I dampened a paper towel with cool water and LIGHTLY patted my nipples. I then LIGHTLY patted them dry with my shirt. I went bra-less unless I was going out so no yucky pads next to my skin. If I leaked, I would change my shirt when/if possible or just go topless and mop up if needed. Of course I was home by myself most of the time so I'm not sure how that would work for you around your family.

Also, here's some graphics of latching that helped me the most:
And here's some latching videos from Dr Jack Newman
Sometimes seeing others bf helps figure out all the logistics.

I'm so sorry you're dealing with all of this, but it is all worth it! You can do this! The first 6 weeks are boot camp, but it gets so much better!


I just thought of something else. Are you sure the flanges on the pump fit you properly? If the sides of your nipples are touching the sides of the flanges during pumping, you should try the bigger flanges. We have them at our local Toys-R-Us, but your lc might have some freebies.

Just another possibility...


I know I know I know.....I still have nipple damage from breastfeeding like 7 months ago. And I have scar tissue). It is so hard and so exhausting and so fustrating for you. I had nipple shields which really helped with the pain.....they keep EVERYTHING off of your niplles and allow them to dry, and are wonderful. I took a complete break from breastfeeding and finger fed/bottle fed, but had my baby sitting completely upright, she did not develop nipple confusion, and she still had to work at the bottle. The break was really good for me, and my nipples. And I just pumped. I used the Medela Symphony electric pump, and I pumped for about 15-20 minutes both breasts every 3 hours. I also had mastitis 4 times in six weeks, so I know how fatigued you must be. Eat and rest...I wish you the best


I've been lurking here for ages.


I had mastitis (bacterial, from cracked nipples, not from clogged ducts) and several yeast infections. I was so tired of the lactation consultant, who was helpful to a point, and doctors, etc.

It was awful and I begged my husband for permission to quit. BEGGED. The yeast in the breast is EXCRUCIATING.

Breastfeeding is really hard, but there is a payoff, and eventually, she will latch herself on.

Good for you for trying and trying with the latch.

It's really hard. I watched videos on the internet at over and over again.

IT'S SO HARD. But now she's 8 months old, and it's SO worth it.

I agree. I dumped the lansinoh, and I went around the house without a shirt on for like a month. No shirt, no bra. I called it the "Breast Buffet".

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