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NO, not bad at all! Fantastic, even.

Yes, Sudafed is known to affect supply, and people sometimes take it when weaning, but everyone reacts differently to things.

I'm so glad to hear you've gotten your supply up more! That's always gratifying.

And of course you know you're going above and beyond with the pumping and any amount you do it great. We all have to stop eventually so don't beat yourself up about it when you do.


The meds may be thinning your mucus and also helping with your overall state thus the milk production nice side effect :).

What you have endured to continue giving your daughter milk is awesome chica, now take care of yourself! Healing winds to you *hugs*


That's awesome! You're doing great!

Truthfully, a well-rested mama is the best thing for NG and for a milk supply. I always noticed a dip in supply when I was wiped.

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