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Of course that's totally normal. :) Destruction is way fun.


When my kids were young, I kept hearing Walter Benjamin's famous words in my head:

"The destructive character is young and cheerful."

Seemed to fit the bill perfectly. Young and cheerful and oh destructive!

The rest of the article is here

I think it's perfectly normal and enjoyable.


My daughter is 15 months old too, and she actually gets mad if I try to build a tower of builds. She starts flapping her arms and yelling at me. So, we don't build towers anymore.

Jennifer W

My son does this too. He doesn't build, he destroys! I figured it was a boy thing. But we both find it hilarious for me to build the huge tower, as I try to keep him away, only for him to shoot out his foot once to knock it down.


My son was exactly the same way at that age. Right around his second birthday, he started actually building with blocks and putting puzzles together.

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