G. asked me tonight if we are writing down NG's words, her little language. I've thought about it but haven't gotten around to it so thought I'd start here and share. Please share your baby's language, too!
Food - FEFF
Thank You - DINK Ooo
Baby - BEY bee
Dog - DAW Geee ARF!
Ducks - DUC kkkkkks
Giraffe - RAFF
Any animal she can't identify - DAW Geee
Bear - BAHR, grrrr
Ball - BAH
Boat - BOH
Bottle - BECHK
Blanket - BECHK
Pacifier - BECHK
Dad - DA da
Mom - MOM ma
Ebb (the Black Lab) - BUH Buh
Pancho (the Chihuahua) - DAW Geee
Bubbles - BUH Boh
Bath - BEH
Love this list, Aliza! Love that she says thank you :-) Her's mine, off the top of my head:
dog: dah
cat: cot
jimmie (the cat): gee
ball: bah
flower: flah
diego (her friend); DAY-do
daddy: dada
mommy: dada up until very recently, and now mama
nursing: nah-nah or nye-nye
Posted by: Kim | October 09, 2007 at 12:01 AM
Wow, what a talker!
Most things are "buzhy buzhy budee budee"
Kee kah = kitty
da = doggie, daddy
duh = down
muh muh muh = mama or milk
swee swee = tweet tweet
puh puh = potty or poo poo
Posted by: Eva | October 09, 2007 at 05:44 AM
What a great way to start the day! These made me laugh and giggle and smile. Keep them coming!
Posted by: aliza at babyfruit | October 09, 2007 at 08:45 AM
My 13 month old's favorite phrase right now is: "waz dat?" combined with a finger point. Over, and over, and over.
Posted by: Pamela | October 09, 2007 at 12:14 PM
Abbie has this funny way of putting a consonant in front of words starting with a vowel.
Up - "Bup"
Elmo - "Melmo"
Also amusing is not so much the words, but the *way* she says things.
More - "Moooohhhrrr!" like some sort of barbarian battle cry.
Ball - "Baaaaaaaa!" like it's the funnest, most awesomest thing ever.
Posted by: Vanessa | October 10, 2007 at 11:05 PM
Oh, and she also has a new fascination with her own name. Today she was walking aroung going "Ah-bee-ah-bee-ah-bee-ah-bee" over and over again.
Posted by: Vanessa | October 11, 2007 at 08:12 PM