We're having a Tweetup with a little Seemic and Flickr thrown in on Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2008 at Modern Dwellers Chocolate Lounge on 36th & Old Seward Highway. This is a non-partisan event, and we'll have voter registration forms on hand!
Here is our FACEBOOK page if you are on Facebook.
Here are the deets:
Voter registration deadlines are creeping up soon ladies and WE Vote '08 is getting the word out on-line and off-line. Join some of the leading women of social media for a series of "tweet-ups" in cities across the country on September 16th!!! Our favorite online rock-stars are getting their friends together in New York, Boston, San Francisco, Houston and Anchorage, and you are invited!! In addition to great networking, you'll get specific information on how easy it is to register to vote and get involved in the process. Learn more at WEVote08.com!
Time is Running Out to Get Registered!
Most states allow you to register up to 30 days before an election. Based on our scan of the data, you have until at least October 1st in every state to get registered. So check the map for your state's deadline! Since we are all busy women, let's just agree that we are all going to make sure we are registered no later than October 1st. No procrastination ladies!
That gives you two weeks post Tweet Up to make it happen!!
Not located near one of those cities - no worries - feel free to create your own voter registration gathering and link to us online!
Get your blog badge here: http://www.wetv.com/we-vote/blogbadges.html
Let your voice be heard!!
ABOUT WE Vote '08
WE Empowers Women is dedicated to providing education and assistance to women and girls so that they can lead a fulfilling life and achieve their full potential
WE Vote '08, part of the network's public affairs initiative, WE Empowers Women, is dedicated to empowering one million women in one year to register to vote!
WE Vote '08 educates women on issues that are important to them, based on our research and findings; issues such as healthcare, education, the economy, homeland security and the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
In addition, we want women to make their voices heard at the polls on November 4, 2008! Be sure to stand up for what you believe!
Love what you women are doing...it makes us feel a little better down here in the lower 48.
Here's a story we did on Saturday's demo http://tinyurl.com/5ktzlk
Posted by: GRITtv | September 16, 2008 at 06:52 PM