Many small businesses don't accept credit cards because of scanning device costs and fees associated with processing charges.
Was just listening this story about Square from Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter. Mobile is going mainstream. I can't say enough about how none of us can afford to ignore the growing prevalence of mobile, especially m-commerce.
Here are some excerpts from the piece this morning:
Square is now processing millions of dollars in mobile transactions every week. More than 45 million people in the U.S. have a smart phone, and as money-exchanging portals, they're a fairly untapped market.
Right now there are only a few products competing in Square's space: Intuit — another credit card swiping device made just for the iPhone — a handful of banks that let customers deposit checks by taking pictures of them, and Chase, which allows person-to-person deposits via e-mail.
"When we look at mobile payments in general, I think that it's really the future in terms of payments," says John Hering, of Lookout Mobile Security.
Have you started working through your mobile strategy? If not, what are you waiting for?