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March 14, 2011



So that's YOU in the tiara and boa. I've seen you about 30 times while navigating the hallways at SXSW. You picked the perfect combination of things in order to stand out from the crowd. I'm not going to be in the actual ACC much today - going to the other campuses - but if I spot you again I'll stop to say hello.

Aliza Sherman

Hi Virginia, please do. See, even if you don't know who I am, you notice! It's all about the hot pink. ;)


I dress like my avatar at Second Life focused conferences, but i feel a little scared to wear the cat ears at other conferences. Of course, danah boyd does ...

Danielle Vieth

I think it's brilliant! I once wore a pink boa to an 8:00 am breakfast meeting for a job interview. At that hour I knew I had to do something to make it fun for myself. It worked. I had fun and I got the job.


I think my hair is my trademark. Generally speaking, you don't see many Black women with natural hair, and when you do, we tend to stand out more. And it's easy to describe myself when meeting other people: "I'm the short lady with the twists in her hair."

Also, I smile a lot which definitely attracts attention in more formal settings.

Aliza Sherman

It is great to hear how other women create a "signature look" - and the power that has out in the business world. Thank you for sharing!

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