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September 22, 2005



They're better than any of the shots I've managed to get. Hey- your interview with NPRN sounded GREAT... you have a perfect radio voice. Maybe you should consider podcasting. Thanks for mentioning my blog in that show. The secretary at my school came and got me and said that her husband called her and said we (Tuntutuliak) were mentioned and that it had something to do with one of the teachers. That was really cool. Then that weekend, a man came into Tunt (for a funeral anniversary of one of his former students) from Juneau who works with the AK Department of Ed and dropped by my house to meet me because he heard the show... Anyway, all this is was because of you. So, the main reason I'm writing is to find out when you book will be available. Also, I want to put it's cover on my site with a link if that's OK with you...

Thanks again!

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